Thus Spake the Gods: Humans Suck (Whoops, I Woke Up a Hedgehog)

One day, the gods spoke, "Children, have ya learned nothing in all your struggles? Yeh all 're the same, and if we don't be teachin' you that, we wouldn't be doin' right by ya." And thus the world was changed. Across the globe, each creature, plant, and object received a kiss from the world itself, gifting each individual with new life. The life energy flowed through them, and awoke that which had been hidden deep inside. The spirits within shone through, altering the bodies they held.

Whoops, I woke up a hedgehog.

Page 14: Monsters and Babies

Sunday, November 17, 2019 - 7:25 PM

Okay, rough week. Yeah, we had to put down one of the kitties this comic is based on, she started dropping weight this summer, and...yeah. Turns out it was a big mass in her belly, and we didn't think she'd survive surgery. So...yeah, she was in pretty rough shape, and it was time. Basically it just sucks.

As far as the comic goes? I dunno, it's a rough time to work on this. I've got a small archive penciled ahead, and basically we'll play it by ear.

I know this doesn't have anything to do with the comic itself, but whatever, it's still relevant.