Tsuki's Shorts

Oh, holy shit, what is this doing here? Welcome to Tsuki's Shorts, aka "the first regularly updating comic I ever made". It's fifty gag-a-day pages that ran from 2004 to 2005 (whether you think any of the gags are funny may vary). I'd had some ideas about developing some characters and the world...but that didn't happen. Still, I loved making it, so here it is for archive purposes and stuff. Maybe you'll like it, too.

Page 50, The End

Saturday, January 20, 2018 - 11:21 PM

Everybody eats ramen in high school caffs. EVERYONE. Eyeball-tentacle dude knows where it's at.

And thus did Tsuki's Shorts end! I'd loved making it, but I'd wanted to move on to other comics, and actual stories. That went...interestingly, but Tsuki's Shorts has a big squishy warm spot in my heart.

Sorta like the big squishy warm spot leaking from Undead Gasp Fanboy onto the floor. Ew.